Thursday, February 19, 2009

The beginning

My first official blog. I guess this is my attempt to be more "grown-up". I'm turning 21 in a couple of months, and I've used my share of social networking websites in my day. Myspace, xanga, and facebook come to mind. But I decided to start up this blog as an online journal to share stories of my life, my thoughts, my works, and my dreams. Or maybe a joke or two. Who knows how this will develop. But as for now, for this first blog, I'm just going to share some of the goals I'm wanting to flesh out for myself this year.

I'm currently living at home with my parents in a very small town, and I'm 20 years old. Most people would find this pathetic or lame...well...I somewhat agree. Thankfully, I've made the decision to attend Liberty University in the upcoming fall semester. And I don't want to live my life as a bum, though sometimes my physical appearance my suggest otherwise. What can I say? I enjoy having a good beard.

So here I am, stuck in a little town feeling like life has been passing me by somewhat. At least on some days of the week. It's time for a more active approach to living. It's time to live life at the fullest as Jesus promised that abundant life to His disciples. That's the root of what I want to accomplish this year - disciple. I want to further my faith in Christ. I want to grow.

My goal word for the year is healthy. Now, I'm not an obese kid living at home playing video games all day. (though I have put on some winter warmth and had my share of halo 3 on live) But I do want to get physically healthy AND spiritually healthy. Both my body and my faith have been having their ups and downs this past year, and I'm pretty tired of living life this way. It's time to be intentional.


I know that in order to grow in my faith I need to spend time with God through reading His Word, praying, serving, worship, fellowship, and sometimes even suffering. I know this to be true. I want to act on this knowledge. I'm going to start putting action and belief, conviction if you will, with this truth. Now I'm not going to have "Quiet Time". Well, I am, but I'm not going to call it that. In fact, I don't know if I will ever name it anything for God is indescribable. I'm just tired of calling it and hearing it called quiet time. It makes me want to sleep. I know that it's a time to still your heart and listen to God speak to you through His word (and this is especially useful given our busy lifestyles). But, like I said, Quiet Time puts me to sleep. I want to "pray continually" as the Scriptures say, and continue to lead worship at Youth and be involved with the local church at Brandywine. There are my immediate spiritual goals - become disciplined as a disciple.

My physical goals, I'm just going to smarten up. First off, I'm kickin' coke. Not cocaine. Thank you. Coca-cola. The nectar of the gods if there were any gods to have nectar. But seriously, I'm addicted to it, and my money could be going to other places other than my stomach fat. God gave me water. I should be content. Secondly, I gotta work out. I'm gonna do some jogging and running when it warms up (I blame the winter for the death of my interest in running) and I'm going to do some crunches and push-ups. Oh, and basketball. I'm so baller.

To carry out these goals and desires, I need prayer and fortitude and wisdom to manage my time wisely - ie no wasting countless hours on the computer.

Well, I guess that's enough about me for this post. It all sounds pretty selfish doesn't it? Like a whiney cry of some little kid wanting attention. But seriously, I want to deepen my faith. I want to be worthy of the title Disciple of Christ. It's time for me to seize this time and hour and use it for His glory. Amen.


  1. Yay, blog! I'm so lazy at blogging...I hope you do a better job than I do. :) But I shall enjoy reading yours, friend. I love blogs. I'm an addict of sorts, I believe. I just love reading about what's going on in the hearts of the people I love! And that includes you, my bearded friend! Mer. I'm done rambling. Peace and love to you, my brother.

  2. Dude! Awesome. As Karen said, I'll be keeping an eye on this... and I agree with everything she said (yeah, I'm unoriginal I know... but I mean it too)

  3. Sam! Welcome to the blogging world. I enjoyed reading your first post. Can't wait to read more!

    P.S. You ought to visit again soon! :)

  4. Godspeed my furry friend. ;)YOU CAN DO IT! ;)
